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Sales Team & Sales Process Assessment

What is Sales Team and Sales Process Assessment?

Hillspoint will analyze your team’s dynamic, processes, and efficiency in order to create a plan to realize your future goals. Our years of experience and diverse team will show you what you are doing now, and tell you what your future should look like.

Why would you want to do this?

You may not fully understand what is going wrong with your sales. You cannot figure out which of your wheels is broken. You don’t know what your specific goals are for the future. You do not know how to balance your values, your customer’s values, and your stakeholder’s values.


You have some concerns with the complexities of your sales engine; you know there are places to improve but you aren’t sure which dials need to be turned to affect the outcomes you’re looking for.

We focus in on the Metrics, Tools, and People in your organization to create a holistic, customer-obsessed, culture that’s geared towards organization-wide success. Not only will we develop a customer-obsessed culture — we’ll work with you on every other facet of your business so you become efficiency and quality-obsessed too!

We will do a full assessment of where you are right now and help you plan for where you want to be. We will complete field work, data analysis, and create a unique goal for your entire sales team along which each individual sales team member.


If you are going to make changes to your sales strategies, processes, and how sales are finalized… Before you decide, you need to assess if the team is at fault, if it is a process issue, a prospecting issue, a leadership issue, and whether using something like a 4-dimentional customer engagement model could help you.

If you aren’t already being go-to-customer: You are going to try to fix a flawed premise. You need change, and if you don’t do it now, how do you expect better results?

We will do a detailed analysis of your sales team, processes, management, and your customer base. We will do your field work for you, your data analysis, and be able to look at your sales from the outside-in.

Every company we work with is different – has a different process, different individuals at the center – and we will ensure you a unique solution to the crux of your sales problems.

You will get a high value sales-leader for less than the cost of a generic sales-manager. Results and development happen faster. The sales team grows develops, matures faster and better.

And you get an experienced operator in your executive team without breaking the bank.

You need a change now in order to change results, and we will show you what that change has to be.